Help for downloading and extracting stationery zip files.



The old standard way:

To download and use the stationery with "Outlook Express"
other than 'Vista' systems)
Click on the buttons designated, to
download stationery
anywhere into your computer
(but always be sure to
remember WHERE you're saving it to)
extract or unzip zipped files into:
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"
Then for USING it from "Outlook Express",
go to:"Message/NewMessageUsing/SelectStationery"
and choose:
whichever .htm or .html file you desire.



With the NEW and very different types of computer systems that are now available,
using stationery with email is a bit more complicated than it was with the Windows 95, 98, and other older systems.
I've tried to come up with some helpful info about using stationery with the newer systems here.

ONE thing to notice, is that...there can be SEVERAL folders that are named the same, sure to follow the paths to the correct folders in which to extract these stationery files, or they will NOT work.

VISTA systems will NOT let you download into the STATIONERY folder on the
'C' drive as we've ALWAYS been able to do, AND...the email program is NOT called "OUTLOOK EXPRESS" on these new systems.
It is called
It DOES however, work very much the same, stationery WILL work with it.


For using stationery with "WINDOWS MAIL"
'VISTA' systems:

You'll have to download into your personal folder,
(still be very sure to notice WHERE you're downloading TO!).
Then EXTRACT (or unzip) into:
"OS(C:)\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"
To USE the stationery from "Windows Mail" (on 'VISTA' systems)
go to "Message/NewMessageUsing/SelectStationery"...
BROWSE to find
"OS(C:)\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery" under 'COMPUTER'
and choose the htm or html file that you want to use.
'Windows Mail' does NOT default to the Stationery folder on the 'C' drive.
It DEFAULTS to another STATIONERY folder under your own personal folders.
Therefore, all the files to build the statonery designs, MUST be extracted into this folder:
"OS(C:)\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery".


(When using XP)
When given the option to NAME your downloaded file, DO NOT RENAME anything! Only select from the drop-down box,
"ALL FILES" instead of "Compressed (zipped) Folder. Otherwise, your files will go into a seperate folder from the STATIONERY folder, and the stationery will NOT work.


I hope this information will NOT confuse anyone, and will be helpful in continuing to have fun using stationery with email.



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